Rough Plank Open Shed

Get it on the Marketplace!

Another handy add-on that I made for my medieval style rebuild of my region. I am selling it with full permissions, subject to a user license, thinking that other builders may also find it useful.

User License:

The product you have purchased comes to you with full permissions, so that you might use them as part of your own creations that you might in turn sell. By purchasing and using this product, you agree to:

* Change permissions to no transfer for the next user;
* not give away or resell this product alone;
* not sell or give away this product as part of a larger package of components;
* not resell this product under a different brand or product name, claiming it as your own creation.

Any violation of the above would be an infringement of intellectual property rights.


Wooden Steps


Get it on the Marketplace!

I made these for my sim rebuild in various sizes and thought they might be useful to other builders. They come with full permissions, subject to a user license.

User License:

The product you have purchased comes to you with full permissions, so that you might use them as part of your own creations that you might in turn sell. By purchasing and using this product, you agree to:

* Change permissions to no transfer for the next user;
* not give away or resell this product alone;
* not sell or give away this product as part of a larger package of components;
* not resell this product under a different brand or product name, claiming it as your own creation.

Any violation of the above would be an infringement of intellectual property rights.

Great Hall Fireplace

Get it on the Marketplace!

Rugged and made of cold grey stone, but carved and chiseled by a master craftsman, this medieval fireplace will warm your hall and provide the perfect backdrop for gatherings that will warm your heart. Add some candlesticks, a garland and hang your stockings for perfect Christmas decor.





Detail 2

Included in the package are the wood holder and fireplace tools. The fireplace is linked to three chimney prims with a particle smoke prim at the top. The chimney parts are mod and copy, so you can add pieces or stretch them to fit your building.

Fireplace Expanded

Stone Bridge

Get it on the marketplace!

It’s not just a bridge, but a bridge building kit with five basic pieces that will let you span almost any distance. The brazier flame is mesh with a touch of glow and light added and a flame texture moving across the surface to animate it. The pieces are modifiable so you can add your own textures if you wish.

Medieval Building Complex

Get it on the marketplace!

I have noticed when looking at medieval building pictures that they look like they have been added on to in a number of ways over time–a window pushed out here, a wall pushed out there hanging over the street with supporting beams below, something jutting out of the roof, something attached to the side of the building, and such. The result is a bit of a mixed up jumble, but still strangely appealing and definitely interesting. It sets the imagination to work trying to picture the internal arrangement of spaces. I tried to capture that sense of sprouting and growth in this building complex. It contains four separate areas, each with its own entrances. It could be used for many purposes.

I am using the complex on my sim build as dock buildings. On the left side, looking at it from the front, is a warehouse, where incoming cargo can be unloaded and stored awaiting calculation of duty and taxes, with the harbourmaster’s office jutting out from the front. On the side are steps leading up to a spacious apartment above with a balcony facing back, and two pushed out, diamond leaded windows in the front.

I use the warehouse as the landing point for my sim, so people can get role play rules and meters without the givers of these items cluttering up the outside and presenting an eyesore on the lovely environment.

To the right on the bottom floor is a long, narrow shop with a bay window out front and a door opening out onto the back side of the complex. At the right end is a brothel. It has front and back entrances (for discrete departures and fast escapes), and inside stairs leading up to three bedrooms over top of the shop and street below.

These spaces present a myriad of possibilities for the imaginative sim or city builder. Come rez it at my building vendor at my main store over Debatable Lands, or visit it on the ground at North March.

The doors can be set by the owner to Admin List (people who can enter when locked, lock or unlock doors can be easily added), or Group (people must have the group the doors are set to active to enter when locked, lock or unlock doors). Instructions are included.

The glass panes in the windows have two faces which can be set independently to varying degrees of opacity according to your preference using the texture tab on the Second Life edit window.


Black Rose Stone Hovel

Home, no matter how humble, is where the heart is. My heart could dwell happily here.

Get it on the marketplace!

Small stone hovel with a thatched roof, only 76 prims, that fits on a 12 x 19 sq.m. footprint. The build includes fireplace, firewood, and sleeping loft with a sleep animation.

The doors can be set to group access, or notecard list access.

Mesh Parts windows released today!

Today I released 3 packages of mesh windows: rectangular, arched, and gothic. Each package also contains a hexagon shaped window.

Get it on the marketplace!

Get it on the marketplace!

Get it on the marketplace!

Linked prim counts as packaged range from 1 to 6 prims per window. Glass panes have three faces, so you can choose your crossbar texture, and set inside and outside glass textures to different degrees of opacity, so you can see out but others may not see in if you wish. Two styles of window pane textures are provided, opaque and lit glow. Two styles of window frames are provided.

The windows are full permissions with a user license.

The product you have purchased comes to you with full permissions, so that you might use them as part of your own creations that you might in turn sell. By purchasing and using this product, you agree to:

* Change permissions to no transfer for the next user;
* not give away or resell this product alone;
* not sell or give away this product as part of a larger package of components;
* not resell this product under a different brand or product name, claiming it as your own creation.

Any violation of the above would be an infringement of intellectual property rights.

Happy 9th birthday Second Life!

SL9B - Black Rose _ Negen_002
Photo by Caitlin Tobias

I was lucky enough to have my exhibitor application accepted for the SL9B celebration! This is my first time as an exhibitor. You can find me on the DreamSeeker Negen sim. (SLURL)

SL9B - Black Rose _ Negen_001
Photo by Caitlin Tobias

Photo by Eve Kazan

The birthday celebration brings out the best in Second Life. Sim owners donate sims. Organizers take on the gargantuan task of laying out sims, dividing parcels, filtering applications from exhibitors, and scheduling everything! Assistants come forward as volunteers to assist exhibitors and builders. Greeters and stage managers are trained. Djs are hired. Presenters and speakers are organized. And as you can see in the photos above, photographers come out and take amazing pictures! The birthday has called upon all of the skills of Second Life residents.

As Saffia Widdershins pointed out in her keynote speech at the opening of the celebration, “This is not Linden Lab’s birthday. It is OUR birthday.” If you missed her speech and the dance of the tinies, you can watch a video of it here.

To my friends in Second Life, and to all residents of Second Life, happy birthday!

To all of the organizers, volunteers and sponsors, a big thank you for making it all happen!

Look around the fountain for the crossed roses and click on them to get your birthday gifts!