Maverick Schism, owner of Good Mojo, and I have collaborated on a few projects now and continue to work together. Our 16 man tournament board has proven to be a popular item, and we were often asked if we had a 32 man version of the board available.
We are pleased to release a 32 Man Tournament and Prize Board.
– up to 32 entrants
– boards designed to handle byes in fairest way possible
– board rezzed for the correct number of entrants from 8 to 32 (less than 8 on 8 man board)
– board can be reopened after closing without entrants having to re-enter
– admins can easily remove entrants or add entrants by name
– admins configured easily by notecard
Prize boards can be rezzed to display sponsors and calculate prize break down for one prize, two prizes (60/40), or three prizes (50/30/20).